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Overseas Visitor Promotion Meeting of United Textile Machinery Exhibition Successfully Held in Jakarta

  On the afternoon of July 21, local time in Indonesia, the Overseas Audience Promotion Meeting of China International Textile Machinery Exhibition & ITMA Asia was successfully held in Jakarta. Mr. Liu Song, Vice President of China Textile Machinery Association and Technical Director of Beijing Tegstar International Exhibition & Display Co., Ltd, Mr. Andi Susanto, Coordinator of Evaluation and Reporting Program, Ministry of Industry of Indonesia, Mr. Jemmy Kartiwa, Chairman of Indonesian Textile Association, and Mr. Redma Gita Wirawasta, Chairman of Indonesian Chemical Fiber and Filament Manufacturers' Association, attended this seminar. Mr. Redma Gita Wirawasta More than 100 representatives from Indonesian textile associations and textile enterprises participated in this promotion activity both online and offline (300959).

  Mr. Jemmy Kartiwa, Chairman of Indonesia Textile Association, said in his welcome speech that he was glad that the Organizing Committee of China International Textile Machinery Exhibition & ITMA Asia could come into Indonesia and link up closely with Indonesian textile industry colleagues. China International Textile Machinery Exhibition and ITMA Asia is an important platform for business exchanges in the textile machinery industry, but also for global participants to provide an in-depth exploration of intelligent equipment and production technology opportunities. Focusing on the fast-growing Asian market, the exhibition brings the latest and most innovative solutions to the market and into the hands of users. Thanks to this exhibition, the Indonesian textile industry can continue to learn about the most cutting-edge technology and equipment, and maintain close interaction with professionals from Asian countries and regions, and around the world. It is hoped that this exhibition will continue to help Indonesia's textile industry grow and develop, and that industry colleagues will benefit from cutting-edge technological developments.

  Mr. Andi Susanto, Coordinator of the Assessment and Reporting Programme of the Ministry of Industry of Indonesia, said in his speech that Indonesia is one of the world's important textile and garment producers, and the textile industry plays an important role in the country's economy. The textile and apparel industry has been planned as one of the key and leading industries for Indonesia's long-term development in 2015, and the textile industry is among the top contributors to Indonesia's livelihoods, employment and international trade. In recent years, Indonesia's domestic acceleration of the industry 4.0 strategy, the textile industry structure upgrading, go smart, high performance, green demand is more and more urgent.